Sexual Assault

We know how to defend your rights

Sexual Assault

Crimes of Sexual Assault

If you’ve been charged with a sexual assault crime, its important to get skilled representation as soon as possible. A Houston sexual assault lawyer can review the charges and evidence against you and help you understand how best to proceed.


A Houston Sexual Assault Lawyer Discusses The Basics of Sexual Assault Law

Sexual assault generally means unwanted sexual contact with someone who does not or cannot consent. Penetration is usually involved. As a Houston sexual assault attorney can explain, the severity of a particular charge and the associated penalties will depend on a variety of factors such as:

  • The age of the alleged victim
  • Whether the perpetrator used force or a weapon during the assault
  • Prior criminal history
  • The relationship between the alleged victim and perpetrator etc.

Penalties can be more severe if the alleged perpetrator held a position of trust over the victim such as a teacher/student; doctor/patient etc. Your Houston sexual assault attorney will review the facts and educate you on what the prosecution has to prove in order to obtain a conviction.

A Houston Sexual Assault Lawyer Explains the Basics of Building a Defense Strategy

If you’ve been charged with a sexual assault crime, its important to understand what to expect. Your Houston sexual assault attorney will review the specific charges and explain whether you face felony or misdemeanor penalties. Your Houston sexual assault lawyer will also carefully analyze how the evidence was collected against you. If there is DNA or other scientific evidence, its important to make sure it was collected properly and within the bounds of your constitutional rights. Additionally, your Houston sexual assault lawyer will scrutinize any witness testimony to gauge how credible it is. Your lawyer will then discuss your options going forward.

Facing criminal charges is a serious matter that can impact all aspects of your life. Put your case in the hands of an experienced Houston sexual assault lawyer. Call 713-223-1600 to set up a consultation with the offices of Christopher T. Gore, Attorney at Law.

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